Biocharged Biochar

Utilizing our Biocharged BioChar will greatly accelerate the growth abilities of your plants. Improve your soil nutrient uptake, and rejoice!

About Our Biocharged Biochar

Biochar has a very high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and is able to hold onto positively charged nutrients such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) potassium (K), and sodium (Na), and is also very good at holding onto nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). However, by pre-charging the biochar with our proprietary Compost Tea prior to application we can greatly speed up this adsorption process and thereby mitigate any negative effects the biochar may initially have on available nutrients and minerals in your soil.

The Fundamentals

Biochar has a unique physiochemical structure which leads to increased soil fertility and crop yields, particularly in degraded or highly-weathered soils. However, “raw” biochar (without any nutrient charging) acts as a nutrient sponge in your soil. While adding raw biochar to the soil has long-term positive effects it requires time for the biochar to “soak up” nutrients until most or all of the pores and negative charges are saturated with nutrients. The Biochar continues to adsorb nutrients until it achieves equilibrium with the soil. This can potentially take anywhere from 12-24 months. Once equilibrium is achieved the biochar acts as a slow release fertilizer that efficiently releases a steady stream of nutrients.

Studies have shown that by biocharging the biochar we can greatly accelerate the growth of mycorrhizae, up to three times compared to untreated biochar, which penetrate plant root cells and improve uptake of soil nutrients.